What You Know About Angular ?
Environment create https://angular.io/guide/setup-local
see crud operation with API handling/http/Http json data read with observed arrays/handling/routing/Angular material/Event Handling/Data pass to UI
TypeScript Language
Typescript same as a javascript . when we write typescript code we can define all the codes/variable/method/class to SOME TYPE. Type script manly build for Object oriented programming for javascript.
Install node latest version.
Install Angular CLI as globaly
npm install -g @angular/cli
open project
ng new your_angular_app_name
go to project
cd your_angular_app_name
open web site in a browser
ng serve — open
create component in side the app folder
component folder inside have .html,.css,.ts files.
Html file for UI design Using HTML
Typescript (ts) file for create some methods , code for change the html.
Css file for styling
run cmd
ng g c component_name
create service folder
services folder used to create business logic or http method write backend API call Handling. when we create service folder we can communicate between Component .
run cmd
ng g s folder_name/file_name
After create file import the compont .ts file and then you can use and access this servicess class methods variables.
app.module.ts file is very important
This file inside we should import all the component/services/modules class name .

declatations:[] array inside to put all the compoent file import class name.

imports:[] array to put all the external moules classes imported names.

angular.json file
This file have angualr project to run all the dependancies and project details include.

If we install npm boostrap or any other Script or css files you can add to
style:[] array to add css file paths,
script:[] array to add javascript jquery or any other script files
That files we can globaly use whole the project that css or styles or javascript.
File inisde have all the installes node module dependancies names.